Inspector Success Team launched to take customer experience to next level

Hello, Palmtech customers,

For those who don’t know me or might have only met me briefly at an inspection trade show, I wanted to take the time to formally introduce myself and share some exciting updates.

Over the past few years, our business has grown increasingly complex. Beyond the multitude of new features, app versions, and product feedback loops, our services have become much more diverse. Today, a substantial portion of Palmtech customers use a variety of products and services beyond our home inspection software. Payment processing, warranties, E&O insurance and so on, you likely can list off a few more.

Given the increasingly complex solutions you all use to operate your business, we knew we needed a unified customer support team to manage that complexity and streamline your interactions with us. You and I both know that a great customer experience goes well beyond just the product, the experience matters as much, if not more.

As a result, we’re looking to invest in that experience and how you do business with us today and in the future. Step one is unifying all our customer support and account management teams into a new team we’re calling Inspector Success. I am honored to have been chosen to bring together the best and brightest team members so we can deliver a best-in-class experience for you, our customer. And in case you’re wondering, the new Inspector Success team will continue to benefit from support leaders who have worked hard to make Palmtech thrive over the years, folks like Lisa Baker, who will continue to be an integral part of this new team.

My vision for this team is simple: “Make it easier for our inspectors to do business with us, so they can focus on delivering a best-in-class experience to their customers.”

If you’d like to learn more about me and the new Inspector Success team, take a few minutes to watch this episode of The Ride Along podcast (see below) where I share more about who I am, why I am excited and the key details around my vision for this team. In the meantime, I look forward to future conversations so my team and I can learn more about what we’re doing well and where we need to grow.

And, if you have some fresh feedback, feel free to drop it in this survey, which goes directly to me.

My Best,

Aaron “AZ” Ziomek
Head of Inspector Success

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